Monday, January 24, 2011

January 22, 2011

Schindler Sez

Never try to please can't be done!

The Laughing Dutchman

Jon came to the United States from Holland 50 years ago, when he was only five years old. After talking with him for a while, Eric asked, "Do they still have windmills in Holland, or just windbags?"
"A little bit of both," Jon answered, laughing."
Jon's laughter told Eric his comment didn't get him in Dutch.

Old vs. New

Far too many years ago, it used to be how good can we build it? Now it seems to be, how cheap can we build?If you don't believe me, just compare the old churches, government building, etc, to the new ones.

The Last shall be First

Is it true that the sinners and holier-than-thous sit in front of the church, the faithful in the middle, and the quick escape artists in the back? All I know is the Bible says, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." So, since I was the last one in, and since I believe in the Bible, I feel like I'm obligated to be the first one out. See ya!

The Haters

Ninety percent of all women haters...are women!

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