Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 1, 010
Schindler Sez
I know an old grouch who is about as happy as he's never been.

That's Fair

Life isn't always fair and sometimes bad things do happen to good people. But overall, more good things happen to the good than to the bad, and more bad things happen to the bad than to the good...and that's fair!

Three Steps to Professional Excellence

Be well groomed and dress appropriately.
Act like a professional in your speech an mannerisms.
Continuously learn as much as possible about your profession.

Grandma Knows

"My goodness, Joe," Grandma said, "You sure are losing your hair."
"Grass doesn't grow on a race track," Joe answered.
"Right," Grandma replied, "and it doesn't grow on a cement block, either!"

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