Monday, May 10, 2010

May 8, 2010
Schindler Sez
You don't have to own the enjoy the fruit!

Baustin and the Cop

In Lima, Ohio, there is an intersection which has a sign reading "no left turn," since turning left meant that you'd have to cross a five-lane highway. However, Angie looked both ways and, seeing no traffic, or cops, decided to save time and made a left turn. In a matter of seconds, she heard the wail of a siren and saw flashing lights in her rearview mirror.
As soon as the patrolman approached her car, Baustin, her four and a half year-old-son, yelled, "Are we going to jail?"
The trooper chuckled and said, "No, son, I just want to talk to your mother." On getting the information he needed, he returned to his squad car.
A couple of minutes later, as the patrolman again approached the perpetrator's car, Baustin excitedly shouted out the window, "Are we going to be on "Cops"?"

Not Enough

I know a guy who wanted a job as a census taker, but he didn't have enough fingers.

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