Monday, April 19, 2010

April 17, 2010
Schindler Sez
We all have flaws. I'd tell you mine...but it would take too long!

Bed Head

Today's disheveled men's hairstyles seem to be all the fashion. However, when I grew up in the 1940s and '50s, we called those styles exactly what they seemed to be...bad cases of "bed head."

Almost Ready

Did you ever notice that when the wife says, "Okay, honey, I'm ready, (meaning she's ready to leave), she's not? What she truly means is she'll be ready sometime in the near future!

The Chile Bowl
Five-year-old Nathan was listening to his mother tell her friend about Margie's forthcoming nuptials.
"Where is she getting married?" her friend asked.
"In Chile."
"Yes, Chile."
"Wow," Nathan said in awe, "they really must have a big bowl!"

Can't never did noth'n!

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