Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Game of Life
A few years ago when my son Jimmie was a senior at the University of Notre Dame, like many college students, he partied until the wee hours of the morning, slept at least until noon,lived on fast food and spent hours playing video games. During Christmas break he practically lived in the rec-room in our basement, and as I walked in on him he was playing one of his favorite games.
"Jimmie," I said, "There is more to life than eating, sleeping, and excreting. What have you done today to improve your mind or yourself?" Glancing at me, he continued to play. "In the long run, "I continued, "Do you know the only game that really counts?" It's the game of...,"
"Life, Dad. The game of life."
"Well, son, then maybe you'd be better off if you started to learn how to play that game!"

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