Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hugging Aunt Kathryn
Ninety-five-year-old Aunt Kathryn was in St. Joseph's Hospital, recovering from a hip operation. She was in extreme pain and a little confused and disorientated from all the medication, when my wife, Fry, and I walked into her room. Lynn, her niece, told us she wasn't feeling too good and it would probably be better if we kept our visit short.
After Fry talked to her for a little while, Aunt Kathrytn asked me, "Would your wife be upset if you gave me a hug?"
"No, Aunt Kathyrn, I'd be glad to give you a hug."
After leaving the hospital, I said to my wife, "It isn't every day a 95-year-old-lady ask me for a hug."
"Yeah," Fry replied, "You've still got it, honey!"

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